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Direct Hair Transplant Procedure

Direct Hair Transplant (DHI) is a surgical procedure that has gained immense popularity in recent years. It is a technique that involves the extraction of hair follicles individually from the donor area and then implanting them directly into the recipient area. One of the main reasons why DHI has become the preferred choice for hair transplant procedures is its ability to provide natural-looking results with minimal scarring. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about the DHI procedure.


How Does Direct Hair Transplant Work?

Unlike other hair transplant procedures, where the hair follicles are extracted in groups, DHI involves the extraction of individual follicular units using a special tool called a Choi implanter pen. This pen creates a tiny incision, around 1mm in diameter, to insert the hair follicles directly into the recipient area. The entire process is performed under local anesthesia to minimize any discomfort.


Advantages of Direct Hair Transplant

One of the major advantages of DHI is that it ensures a high survival rate of the transplanted hair follicles. Since the follicles are implanted directly into the scalp, there is minimal handling, reducing the risk of damage. Additionally, since there is no need to create incisions or slits in the recipient area, the healing time is faster compared to other hair transplant techniques. The results obtained through DHI are also more natural-looking, providing a denser and fuller head of hair.


Disadvantages of Direct Hair Transplant

While DHI offers numerous benefits, it also has some disadvantages. One of the major drawbacks of DHI is that it is a time-consuming procedure compared to other hair transplant techniques. Due to the intricate nature of the process, it requires high precision and expertise, which can extend the duration of the surgery.  


Factors Affecting DHI Hair Transplant Price

The cost of a DHI hair transplant procedure varies depending on several factors. The extent of hair loss, the number of grafts required, the clinic's reputation, and the experience of the surgeon are some of the critical factors that affect the price. Additionally, the geographic location of the clinic also plays a role in determining the overall cost.


Cost of DHI Hair Transplant  in Turkey

Turkey has become a popular destination for hair transplant procedures, including DHI. The cost of a DHI hair transplant Turkey is relatively lower compared to other countries, making it an attractive option for those seeking affordable yet high-quality treatment. Wellcome offers a variety of customizable package experiences for you to design according to your preferences. With Wellcome, you have the freedom to craft your health journey through flexible options, all without any hidden fees. Our packages are designed to be all-inclusive and all-exclusive, ensuring transparent pricing throughout your experience.


Choosing a Reliable DHI Hair Transplant Clinic

When opting for a DHI hair transplant, it is crucial to choose a reliable and reputable clinic. Research extensively, read patient reviews, and ensure that the clinic has experienced surgeons who specialize in DHI. Look for certifications and accreditations to determine the clinic's credibility.


Preparing for a DHI Hair Transplant Procedure

Before undergoing a DHI hair transplant procedure, certain preparations are necessary. It is essential to follow the instructions provided by the clinic regarding avoiding specific medications, smoking, or consuming alcohol. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, can contribute to better results.


The DHI Hair Transplant Procedure

During the DHI hair transplant procedure, the surgeon will carefully extract each hair follicle individually from the donor area using the Choi implanter pen. The harvested follicles will then be meticulously implanted into the recipient area according to the desired density and hairline. Throughout the procedure, the surgeon ensures that the angles and directions closely mimic the natural hair growth pattern for a more natural appearance.


Post-Transplant Care and Recovery

Proper post-transplant care is essential to ensure the success of the DHI procedure. The clinic will provide detailed instructions on how to care for the transplanted area, including avoiding sun exposure, not scratching or rubbing the scalp, and following a prescribed medication regimen. It is normal to experience some mild swelling or redness immediately after the surgery, but these typically subside within a few days.


Expected Results and Aftercare

The final results of a DHI hair transplant can be seen after approximately 8-12 months. During this period, the transplanted hair sheds, and new hair begins to grow from the follicles. It is crucial to follow the aftercare instructions provided by the clinic to ensure optimal growth and long-term results. Regular check-ups with the surgeon are also necessary to monitor progress and address any concerns.

Direct Hair Transplant (DHI) has revolutionized the field of hair transplantation, offering natural-looking results with minimal scarring. With its high survival rates and faster healing time, DHI has become a preferred choice for individuals seeking a permanent solution to hair loss. By understanding the procedure, considering the factors affecting cost, and choosing a reliable clinic, one can embark on a successful DHI hair transplant journey. Remember to follow the pre and post-transplant care instructions diligently for optimal results and enjoy the transformation that DHI can bring to your appearance and confidence.